Archive for September, 2018

September Home Tips

Hello, Everyone,

Safety first:  In Massachusetts, a recent Law requires that when you replace your battery smoke detectors, the replacement detector must have a 10-year battery. Please don’t assume the battery will last 10 years; for your safety, test the detectors regularly. It’s probably a good idea to keep the the receipt so that if the detector doesn’t work for 10 years, you might be able to get it replaced for free. Another reason to keep the receipt is for a record of its installation, especially if you might sell your home. That thought then then brings up the question: When you buy a property, how much time has lapsed since the installation of the “10-year” detector in your new home? Test your detectors regularly! 
Be aware that detectors have a shelf life, even hard-wired detectors. If you have a hard-wired system for smoke, security, etc., have the metal box containing the mechanicals checked regularly to be sure the fuses are working. Just because your electricity is on doesn’t mean that your system is in working order.
Photoelectric detectors were developed for installation within 20 feet of a kitchen or bathroom. These detectors are not as sensitive to steam from showers and cooking smoke; the detectors were created to keep residents from dismantling nuisance detectors and having no alarm at all.
Buy king-size pillows for your single, double, queen-sized beds–much more comfortable and luxurious than regular-sized.
When you buy a bunch of radishes, add the green tops to your other salad greens. Radish greens are chock full of vitamins. Your radishes will last longer with the greens topped, too. Click Here
Alea Air has developed a little machine to clean the air and to regulate the temperature of your room. The product won’t be available until January, but early orders are possible.
Have a good end of summer!
Bonny Lamb